Monday, October 12, 2009

Size Matters - Your Photobook Options

Free Simple to Use Photobook Creator

Size matters in a lot of situations, but it matters a lot when it comes to creating your own photobooks. Sometimes you need to choose a specific size just to fit the pictures that you have and sometimes you need to choose the size to fit the uses that you have. You wouldn't choose to use a 12 x 12 inch book to carry in your purse to share your baby's pictures just as you wouldn't choose a 2 x 3 inch book to create a coffee table book to share majestic pictures of your trip to Alaska.

From small to large there are a lot of size options for you to choose when creating your own photobook. Just to give you some thought starters there are some ideas for what you can do with each size -- but please just use that as a beginning and make your own photobooks work for you.

2 x 3 Soft Cover

This small book is great for carrying around with you to share those pictures that you will share with a lot of people. Size does matter since it is so small that you can only have one picture per page. This book is printed on the book quality paper that is used for all photobooks and not just a bound copy of pictures that you can get when you create a flipbook. Good uses are for baby brag books and a wedding overview.

7 x 7 and 8 x 8 Hard Cover

This size makes a great storybook. Digital scrapbookers sometime create smaller pages of their scrapbooks and use this size. Most of these books are created to tell a story and are more likely to include text.

Free Simple to Use Photobook Creator

5 x 7 and 8 x 11 Hard Cover

The 8 x 11 (or size that is close to this) is the original and classic photobooks size. The price is very reasonable and the size is great when using a variety of layouts. If you want to share the contents of the 8 x 11 book with a lot of people, you may want to make some of the books in the 5 x 7 format because they cost less. I also created a 5 x 7 of my daughter's wedding book to carry around with me.

You can use a variety of layouts with these books. Pictures look stunning in full size. With the variety of layouts available you can have over 12 pictures per page if you would like, and there are even layouts where you can create a look where there is a collage of pictures.

12 x 12

The 12 x 12 photobook is a popular book for the digital scrapbooker. Some of the photobook publishers allow the digital scrapbooker to upload their own pages. Besides the digital scrapbooker, this large book is great for a wedding photo album. The pages give you the opportunity for extremely attractive large pictures as well as the ability to use the wide variety of layouts provided.

Free Simple to Use Photobook Creator

Not all of the photobook sizes have been presented, but just a few of them have been given to start you thinking about what size might work for your own projects. If you want to check out the sizes that each photobook publisher offers go to this Photobook Publisher Comparison Page.

Linda Reavill enjoys making photobooks and what started out as a way to organize wedding photos has turned into a passion for photobooks. If you need any help with photobooks, please visit